flourish zone
Productise your
improvement expertise

Our Expert Portal enables you to create digital improvement methods. Whereas in the past you might have written a book and put it on Amazon, now you can create a digital method and put it on Flourishzone. You retain all the IP and can choose what you charge for them and who they are targeted at. Our AI engine suggests them to the right people at the right time. They can use them on their own mobile in a way that suits their busy lives.

  • Leverage more value from your IP.
  • Save cost of developing your own app.
  • Build a non-time based revenue stream.
  • Easily create new tools based on market needs and your own creativity.
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flourish zone
Increase impact with existing clients
and reach new clients

As a coach or consultant, it’s difficult to reach all the people you know you can help. And you’d like to be able to support people better in-between your face-to-face sessions. Creating digital improvement tools enables you to:

  • Enable clients to sustain momentum when you’re not with them.
  • Make your blended learning programmes more personalised.
  • Increase repeat business: clients remember you as the product stays with them after you’ve gone.
  • Grow your client base by helping potential new clients discover you.
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flourish zone
Make a difference

People and organisations around the world face continuous challenges. As a coach/consultant, you have, or can create, solutions to those challenges. But it can be difficult to get your expertise ”out there”. We make it easy to create new improvement tools and then suggest your tools to the right people at the right time.

  • Get your expertise to the right people at the right time
  • Respond to market needs (and world crises!) quickly
  • Grow client base by helping potential new clients discover you

If every coach/consultant contributes their own unique expertise, is there any problem we can't solve? At scale?

Join our quest to help people and organisations do better, feel well and stay strong.

Together we flourish

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Introducing Method Builder™ for Coaches

Add more value to existing clients and reach new ones in four easy steps!

Define your method’s Purpose

Say who it willl help and how.

Introduce your method

So that the user(s) understand its benefit

Create your method

Choose from ready made templates or create your own


Easy peasy. FZ recommends it to the right people at the right time.

Contact us

Want to increase performance, well-being and resilience for your workforce or clients? Let’s talk. Please email hello@flourish.zone

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